Professional Experience
- Assoc. Researcher at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018.02 - 2021.10.
- Adjunct Assoc. Professor at Division of Science and Technology, BNU-HKBU United International College (UIC), 2020.01-2020.06 & 2021.01-2021.06.
- Senior Researcher & CIVAL Coordinator, Future Cities Laboratory (Singapore), ETH Zurich, 2015.03 - 2018.02
- Visiting Scientist, Chair of Information Architecture, ETH Zurich, 2013.06 - 2013.08
- Research Assistant, Nanyang Technological University, 2011.06 - 2011.08
- Best paper, VINCI 2023, 'Storytelling in Frozen Frontier: Exploring Graphic-Based Approach for Creating Interactive Story Maps in Antarctica'
- Best poster honorable mention, ChinaVis 2022, 'Visual Exploration of Bus Arrival Time Uncertainty'
- Best paper honorable mention, ChinaVis 2021, 'Modeling Layout Design for Multiple-View Visualization via Bayesian Inference'
- Best paper, VINCI 2019, 'VIStory: Interactive Storyboard for Exploring Visual Information in Scientific Publications'
- Best paper, International Conference on Information Visualization 2017, 'Urban Fusion: Visualizing Urban Data Fused with Social Feeds via a Game Engine'
- Editorial Board for Visual Informatics
- Editorial Board for The Visual Computer
- Associate Editor for Journal of Big Data
- Guest Editor for IEEE T-CSS (Special Issue: Augmenting Urban Brain with Visual and Social Intelligence)
- Organizing Committee: Program Co-Chair for VINCI 2023, Publicity Co-Chair for VINCI 2022, Poster Co-Chair for PacificVis 2019
- Program Committee: ACM CHI 2025, IEEE VIS 2021 - 2023, EuroVis STARs 2022 - 2023, ChinaVis 2017 - 2023, IVAPP 2019
- Journal Reviewer: IEEE TVCG, IEEE T-ITS, Computers & Graphics, Journal of Visualization, ACM T-IST, International Journal of Geo-Information, Journal of Transport Geography, Chinese Journal of Computers, Information Sciences
- Conference Reviewer: IEEE VIS, EuroVis, ACM CHI, SIGGRAPH, IVAPP, ChinaGraph, International Conference on Information Visualization (iV)